Thursday, April 7, 2011

For Future Generations

I am at a point in my life where the realization of what I want and what God has given me are two very different things. The dream, as you would have it, would be that my children would grow up being a part of an close extended family having Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and Grandparents. The key to all of this would be that the extended family would "Love the Lord with All their Heart, Soul, and Mind. This is not my life and it won't ever be. But, I have hope for the future. My husband and I will raise our two girls in the "nurture and admonition of the Lord." We will do so with the hope that God will penetrate their hearts and that they will come to love the Lord "with all their Heart, Soul, and Mind. And, although they won't have my dreams for extended family day the dream will be realized through the generations that came. 
I have come to realization in daily life much goes on. I want to remember it, delight in it, and to encourage, relate to, and engage the reader, you.  So it is with this in mind that this blog is created.