Monday, March 26, 2012

"Training our Children"

The realization has occurred to me these past 2 (almost 3 years), that parenting needs to be purposeful. Before having children I had all sorts of ideas of what it would look like and how it would be. I babysat alot and felt I was really good at it. What I didn't take the time to think on is  I watched these children and gave them back. Perhaps it involved games, crafts, TV, toys, singing, playing outside, or any other numerous amounts of activities. However, I was not responsible for the "training up in the way they should go." Oh, yes I was an influencing factor, but not the one with the heavy burden of responsibility.
It is with this in mind that we have recently begun "Tot School." This idea was recently introduced to me through a website and a very good friend of mine.
Our First Lesson.
Shannon loves this book and the little song so she was fairly excited to begin this unit. Each week we will also have a word of the week with a corresponding verse. This weeks word is Listening and the verse is Proverbs 4:1.

"Listen, my sons, to a father's instruction; pay attention and gain understanding."

After introducing the verse and having Shannon repeat it, we read the story.
 Shannon's task for today was to retell the story. Which she had a blast doing.

Making her monkeys ......

Jump on the bed .......

over and over and over was her favorite part!

Shannon has on her "pack-pack" so she can go to school and is really happy about getting to play!
 The entire lesson took about 15 minutes and was a whole lot of fun!

Resources used:
Get Wisdom! 23 lessons for Children about Living for Jesus, Ruth Younts
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, Eileen Christelow

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